Survey Archive
19th December 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,039 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of 38 Degrees on public attitudes. Fieldwork was conducted between 13th-14th of December 2021. Tables are available here.
15th December 2021 – Survation conducted an online 1,045 adults aged 16+ living in Scotland. Fieldwork was between 18th and 21st November 2021. Data tables are available here.
15th December 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,028 people aged 18+ living in Scotland, on behalf of MurrayBlackburnMackenzie on public attitudes towards the Gender Reform Act. Fieldwork was conducted between 18th and 21st November. Tables are available here.
13th December 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,218 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of Good Morning Britain. Fieldwork was conducted between 8th and 9th December 2021. Tables are available here.
11th December 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,178 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of The Daily Mirror. Fieldwork was conducted between 8th and 9th December 2021. Tables are available here.
8th December 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,060 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of Serco on public attitudes towards vaccine passports. Fieldwork was conducted between 30th November and 1st December 2021. Tables are available here.
3rd December 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,045 Scottish people aged 16+ on behalf of the Poverty Alliance on public attitudes towards doubling the Scottish Child Payment. Fieldwork was conducted between 18th and 21st November 2021. Tables are available here.
25th November 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,045 Scottish people aged 16+ on behalf of Scotland in Union. Fieldwork was conducted between 18th and 21st November 2021. Tables are available here.
18th November 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 4,014 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of 38 Degrees on public attitudes. Fieldwork was conducted between 11th – 15th of November 2021. Tables are available here.
26th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of Scottish adults aged 18+ on behalf of the Scotch Whisky Association. Fieldwork was conducted between 8th and 14th October 2021. Tables are available here.
20th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,166 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of UK Spirits Alliance, on their shopping habits. Fieldwork was conducted on the 19th October 2021. Tables can be found here. A graphical presentation can be found here.
14th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,043 people aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of Good Morning Britain, on hate crime. Fieldwork was conducted on the 7th of September 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 4,227 people aged 16+ living in Great Britain, on behalf of Diffley Partnership, on their views on climate change. Fieldwork was between the 25th – the 31st of August 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,164 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of The IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Group (SULi), on their views around trophy hunting. Fieldwork was between 10th – 14th September 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,030 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of RenewableUK, on their views around onshore windfarms. Fieldwork was between 5th – 15th July 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,062 people aged 18+ in Wales, on behalf of RenewableUK, on their views around onshore windfarms. Fieldwork was between 5th – 19th July 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,003 people aged 18+ in Northern Ireland, on behalf of RenewableUK, on their views around onshore windfarms. Fieldwork was between 5th – 26th July 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,059 people aged 18+ in Scotland, on behalf of RenewableUK, on their views around onshore windfarms. Fieldwork was between 5th – 19th July 2021. Tables can be found here.
11th October 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,040 people aged 18+ in the UK on behalf of the Daily Mirror, on their Westminster voting intention and attitudes towards political leaders. Fieldwork was between 6th – 7th October 2021. Tables can be found here.
9th September 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,040 people aged 16+ in Scotland, on behalf of Scotland in Union, on their political views. Fieldwork was between 31st August and 1st September. Tables can be found here.
9th September 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,048 retailer workers aged 18+ in England and Wales, on behalf of Foot Anstey, to understand their experiences working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fieldwork was between 27th July and 2nd August. Tables can be found here.
8th September 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,032 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well to understand people’s opinions about assisted dying. Fieldwork was between 19-20 July 2021. Tables can be found here.
26th July 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,013 people aged 18+ in the UK, on their Westminster voting intention and political ratings. Fieldwork was between 23rd July 2021. Tables can be found here.
22nd July 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 505 gay and bisexual men in the UK aged 18+, on behalf of Survivors UK. Fieldwork was conducted 13th – 18th August 2020. Tables can be found here.
21st of July 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 258 Software Engineers aged 18+ living in the UK, on behalf of Haystack Analytics, on the impact of Covid-19. Fieldwork was between 23rd – 24th of June 2021. Tables can be found here.
20th July 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,032 adults in the UK aged 18+, on their Westminster voting intention, political ratings, and attitudes to COVID-19 policy. Fieldwork was between 19th-20th July 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th July 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,119 adults in the UK aged 18+, on their Westminster voting intention and political party ratings. Fieldwork was between 5th – 13th July 2021. Tables can be found here.
7th of July 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,024 adults in the UK aged 18+, on behalf of Greenpeace. Fieldwork was between 11th – 15th of June 2021. Tables can be found here.
24th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 626 local authority and county councillors in England. Fieldwork was between 7th April and 19th May 2021. Tables can be found here.
23rd June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,024 adults in the UK aged 18+, on their Westminster voting intention and political party ratings. Fieldwork was between 11th – 15th June 2021. Tables can be found here.
18th June 2021 – Survation conducted a telephone poll of 510 adults aged 18+ in the Batley and Spen UK Parliament constituency, on behalf of the Daily Mail. Fieldwork was between 9th-17th June 2021. Tables can be found here.
17th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,010 young men in the UK aged 16-21, on behalf of the Daily Mail. Fieldwork was 7th May – 18th May 2021. Tables can be found here.
16th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2021 UK workers aged 18+ on behalf of the Living Wage Foundation. Fieldwork was conducted between 9th-16th June 2021. Tables can be found here.
15th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,017 adults in the UK aged 18+, on their Westminster voting intention and political approval ratings. Fieldwork was conducted 9th – 10th June 2021. Tables can be found here.
14th June 2021 – Survation conducted a telephone poll of 504 Muslim adults in Great Britain aged 18+, on behalf of the Labour Muslim Network. Fieldwork was 20th May – 4th June 2021. Tables can be found here.
10th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,027 young women in the UK aged 16-21, on behalf of the Daily Mail. Fieldwork was 7th May – 18th May 2021. Tables can be found here.
10th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,003 adults in the UK aged 18+, on behalf of Prenetics. Fieldwork was 27th May – 2nd June 2021. Tables can be found here.
4th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,533 adults in the UK aged 18+, on their Westminster voting intention. Fieldwork was conducted 1st – 2nd June 2021. Tables can be found here.
4th June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,533 adults in the UK aged 18+, on behalf of the Daily Mirror. Fieldwork was 1st – 2nd June 2021. Tables can be found here.
1st June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,036 people aged 18+ in Australia, on behalf of the University of Oxford. Fieldwork was 19th – 20th February 2019. Data tables can be found here.
1st June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,028 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of the University of Oxford. Fieldwork was 18th – 27th February 2019. Data tables can be found here.
1st June 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,041 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of Good Morning Britain. Fieldwork was 25th – 26th April 2021. Data tables can be found here.
29th May 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,010 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of the Daily Mail. Fieldwork was 27th – 28th May 2021. Tables can be found here.
13th May 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1037 people in Scotland aged 16+, on behalf of Scotland in Union. Fieldwork was 29th April – 4th May 2021. Data tables are available here.
5th May 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,008 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of DC Thomson. Fieldwork was 30th April – 4th May 2021. Data tables are available here.
4th May 2021 – Survation conducted a telephone survey of 517 people aged 18+ in the Hartlepool UK Parliament Constituency, on behalf of the Communication Workers Union. Fieldwork was between 23rd – 29th April 2021. Tables are available here.
4th May 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,008 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of Good Morning Britain. Fieldwork was 23-26 April 2021. Data tables can be found here:
4th May 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,047 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of These Islands. Fieldwork was 21-23 April 2021. Data tables can be found here:
4th May 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,036 people aged 16 to 25 years old living in Scotland on behalf of WWF Scotland. Fieldwork was 21-26 April 2021. Data tables can be found here:
30th April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,077 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of the Daily Mail. Fieldwork was 27th – 29th April 2021. Data tables can be found here.
25th April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,021 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of DC Thomson. Fieldwork was 20-22 April 2021. Data tables can be found here:
22nd April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,008 people aged 18+ in the UK. Fieldwork was 15th – 19th April 2021. Data tables can be found here.
22 April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 893 mothers in England aged 18+ who have had a child in the past 12 months. Fieldwork was 1st – 16th March 2021. Data tables can be found here.
20th April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 3,023 people aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of Equally Ours. Data tables are available here, and here.
20th April 2021 – Survation conducted a telephone poll of people 1,008 aged 18+ in Scotland 15th January – 5th February 2021, and a telephone poll of 1,002 people aged 18+ in Wales 15th January – 6th February 2021, on behalf of NESTA. Data tables are available for Scotland here and Wales here.
16th April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,009 people aged 18+ in the UK. Fieldwork was 8th – 10th April 2021. Data tables can be found here.
6th April 2021 – Survation conducted a telephone survey of 502 people aged 18+ in the Hartlepool UK Parliament Constituency, on behalf of the Communication Workers Union. Fieldwork was between 29th March – 3rd April 2021. Tables are available here.
2nd April 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,021 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of DC Thomson. Fieldwork was 29th-30th March 2021. Data tables can be found here:
30th March 2021 – Survation conducted a telephone survey of 2,023 adults aged 18+ in the UK, on behalf of the Ada Lovelace Institute. Fieldwork was between 27 January – 24 February 2021. Total population data tables can be found here. Black, Asian and minority ethnicity population data tables can be found here.
26th March 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,013 people aged 16+ living in Scotland, on behalf of Nourish Scotland. Fieldwork was 4th – 9th March 2021. Data tables can be found here.
25th March 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 2,047 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of DC Thomson. Fieldwork was 11th-18th March 2021. Data tables can be found here.
17th March 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,011 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of Scotland in Union. Fieldwork was 9th-12th March 2021. Data tables can be found here.
14th March 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,037 people aged 18+ living in Scotland on behalf of the Sunday Mirror. Fieldwork was 9th-10th March 2021. Data tables can be found here.
12th March 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,013 people aged 16+ living in Scotland. Fieldwork was between 4th-9th March 2021. Data tables can be found here.
1st March 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,011 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of the Daily Record. Fieldwork was 25th-26th February 2021. Data tables can be found here.
1st March 2021 – Survation conducted an online 1,002 adults aged 18+ living in the UK. Fieldwork was between 23rd – 25th February 2021. Data tables are available here.
28th February 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,011 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of the Sunday Mail. Fieldwork was 25th-26th February 2021. Data tables can be found here.
17th February 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,012 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of Humanist Society Scotland. Fieldwork was 29th January – 2nd February 2021. Data tables can be found here.
11th February 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,003 people aged over 18 years, living in the UK, Fieldwork was between 5th – 6th February 2021. Data tables can be found here.
25nd January 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,010 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of Humanist Society Scotland. Fieldwork was 4th – 9th December 2020. Data tables can be found here.
22nd January 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,020 people aged 16+ living in Scotland on behalf of Scot Goes Pop. Fieldwork was 11th – 13th January 2021. Data tables can be found here.
17th January 2021 – Survation conducted an online poll of 1,033 adults aged 18+ living in the UK, on their Westminster voting intention, political leadership and government approval ratings, and views on COVID-19 crisis management.. Fieldwork was conducted 12th – 13th January 2021. Data tables are available here.