UK Wide Attitudes To The London Olympic Games (Daily Star Sunday)
Survation for Daily Star on Sunday May 6th Full data tables are available here.
- Londoners’ opinion is polarised over the Olympics
- Scots least looking forward to the Olympics
- Younger people polarised with stronger views either way – but a large proportion (26.5%) expressing negative views – a failure to engage the young from disadvantaged families.
- Older people more likely to be indifferent
Headline Findings
When asked about their current feelings towards the London Olympic Games this Summer, just over half (51.4%) of those surveyed were positive, with 9.3% saying that they are ‘very excited’, 10.6% saying that they are ‘excited’ and 31.5% saying that they are ‘generally looking forward’. 30.4% of respondents said that they are ‘indifferent’ about the 2012 Olympic Games. 5.5% said that they are ‘not looking forward’ to it while 11.6% said that they are ‘dreading the whole thing’ – so 17.1% of people expressed negative views. Positive 51.4%, Negative 17.1, Indifferent 30.4 (1.1% of people said they didn’t know.
Respondents living in the East Midlands are the most enthusiastic about the Olympics overall- with 60.8% of those surveyed from that region expressing positive sentiments. Londoners were are also positive (58.9%), (but also expressed marked negative views also) as were people living in the North East (56.5%), however respondents from the North East were more likely to say they are ‘very excited’ (19.6%) than those living in any other region- including London (9.3%).
On the other hand, only 38.6% of Scottish respondents expressed positive feelings towards the upcoming Olympics, with not one person in Scotland describing themselves as ‘very excited’. In addition, Scots were most likely to describe themselves as ‘not looking forward’ to the Olympics (9.1%) or ‘dreading the whole thing’ (12.5%) (21.6% in total – the highest overall region expressing negative sentiment, with Londoners coming in a close second (20.2%), followed by respondents living in the South East (19.1%).
Those aged between 25 and 34 were the most positive age group regarding the London Olympics, with 58.3% of respondents in that age bracket expressing positive feelings, and those aged between 35 and 44 following close behind at 57.1%.
Opinion among young people was notably polarised. They were most likely to feel “excited” about the Olympics, with 42.6% of 18 to 24 year olds responding positively and 26.5% responding negatively, with the second most ‘negative’ age group (45 to 54 year olds) trailing behind at 19%.
Social Grade
Regarding social category, those in the ‘DE’ bracket were significantly less likely to feel positive than those in other groups (37.1% compared to 58.3% of those in the ‘C2’ bracket, 56.4% of those in the ‘C1’ category and 55.4% of those designated as ‘AB’). Respondents categorised as ‘DE’ were also more likely to express outright negativity towards the Olympics (22.5% versus 16.1% of ‘AB’ respondents, 15.2% of those in the ‘C1’ bracket and 14.5% of those designated as ‘C2’). ‘DE’ respondents also had a tendency towards indifference (38.2%) compared to other social categories (28.2% for ‘AB’, 27.6% for ‘C1’ and 26.9% for ‘C2’).
By Charlotte Jee
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