Chris Hopkins

Chris Hopkins

Survation's Senior Project Manager from 2014-2018. Chris's only experience of failure during this period related to his loyal support of Colchester United.

3 things make Chris very happy (in no particular order); beard trimmers, incredible music, and polling. He could list his favourite bands, but you won't have heard of them. His polling tastes are thankfully more mainstream, and he generally writes on our national level polling.

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Articles by Chris

  1. Nearly two-thirds of Scots say that the Clyde & Hebrides Ferry Services should remain publicly operated – Survation for the RMT
    15 Jul 2015

  2. New Scottish Voting Intention Poll – Survation for the Scottish Daily Mail
    14 Jul 2015

  3. Three-quarters of British Jews want ban on peaceful antisemitic demonstrations in Jewish areas – New poll for The Jewish Chronicle
    25 Jun 2015

  4. Immigration: Opinion polling of ethnic minority voters on behalf of Bright Blue
    15 Jun 2015

  5. Majority of public support a tax to fund elderly care – Latest Survation poll for LBC
    05 Jun 2015

  6. Poll of rail passengers – Survation for the RMT
    24 Feb 2015

  7. Most voters unsure which party offers best policies on housing – Survation for Generation Rent
    04 Feb 2015

  8. New Poll of the Jewish Community Finds 88% Have Not Considered Leaving the UK
    16 Jan 2015

  9. Poll Reveals Public Reaction to Ed Miliband’s “10 Year Route-Map For The Country”
    24 Sep 2014

  10. Osborne Still Preferred to Balls as Chancellor – Survation for The Huffington Post
    23 Sep 2014