Damian Lyons Lowe

Damian Lyons Lowe

Damian leads Survation's research offering, co-ordinating tech, social science & academic innovation to solve challenges.Damian has over 20 years of work experience within leading research environments including technology, healthcare, financial services and political science.He most enjoys co-ordinating the work of experts in their fields to provide genuine insights to commercial & non-commercial customers and friends to try to solve the challenges that exist within business and civil society.

Email: damian.lyonslowe@survation.com
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Articles by Damian

  1. An Updated look at European Parliament Voting Intention – Labour maintain their polling lead in 2013
    26 Dec 2013

  2. Polling Shows A Complete Cut Of Benefits To Under 25s Is Not Politically Savvy, and So Unlikely To Happen
    02 Oct 2013

  3. How should the public and private sectors better inter-relate? We asked the public their thoughts (We Own It)
    05 Aug 2013

  4. Do Ed Miliband’s Personal Ratings Really Matter?
    03 Aug 2013

  5. Lynton Crosby’s “Barnacles Off The Boat” Strategy Needed To Win Back Tory C2DE Voters.
    13 Jul 2013

  6. Public Support for More Investment in Job & Growth
    02 Jun 2013

  7. Counter-terrorism & Government Cuts – Survation for The Sun On Sunday
    02 Jun 2013

  8. Survation for The Mail on Sunday, Reaction To The Woolwich Incident:
    25 May 2013

  9. How Has Political Opinion Changed Since Before The Local Elections?
    20 May 2013

  10. ICM Research Shows UKIP Support Doubling in 29 days – Another Clear Indication Polling Industry Methodology Needs To Change
    14 May 2013