
February 2021: Public attitudes to COVID handling and NHS v private

The part of the Government’s Covid-19 response recieving the overwhelming backing of the public has been the vaccination programme, with 80% saying it has been handled well, and only 13% badly.

By contrast, only 29% think the Government has handled contact tracing well, with 60% saying badly.


75% of the public believe those aspects of the pandemic that the NHS and local public health teams have been in charge has been more effective than parts of the programme contracted to private companies (9%)



By 66% to 18%, the public believes some of the lives lost as a result of the pandemic could have been saved if the government has taken different decisions.


Survation polled 1,002 people aged 18+ living in the United Kingdom. Fieldwork was conducted via online panel on 23rd-25th February 2021.

Data tables

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