Labour Lead 7 Points Over the Conservatives – Survation for GMB Union
Survation’s latest voting intention poll, conducted online between 7th – 8th March, shows that Labour have extended their lead over the Conservatives to seven points.
UK Voting Intention – 7th-8th March 2018 (changes vs. Survation polling on January 29th 2018)
LAB 44% (+1); CON 37% (-3); LD 9% (+1); UKIP 3% (NC); SNP 3% (NC); GRE 2% (+1); AP 3% (NC)
The last seven Survation polls have shown higher support for the Labour Party than the Conservatives, as seen in the graph below.
Elsewhere in the poll:
Q3. In 2007/8, there was a financial crisis, known as the ‘Global Financial Crisis’, which began as a crisis in the mortgage market in the USA, but became an international banking crisis due to excessive risk-taking by global investment banks including the banks operating in the UK.
Which of the following is closest to your view?
The banking system in the UK has been reformed to ensure adequate measures have been taken to avoid another such banking crisis in the future – 30%
The banking system in the UK has NOT been reformed to ensure adequate measures have been taken to avoid another such banking crisis in the future – 39%
Don’t know – 32%
Q4. There have been cuts to public spending and services in the UK since 2010.
Do you think that the level of public spending cuts has gone…?
Much too far 31%
Slightly too far 29%
About right 23%
Not quite far enough 6%
Nowhere near far enough 2%
Don’t know 8%
Too far (total) 60%
Not far enough (total) 8%
Q5. On Tuesday 13 March 2018 the Chancellor of the Exchequer will be making the government’s Spring Budget Statement to set out the government’s future spending plans.
Which of the following is closest to your view?
The Chancellor should announce a real terms increase in spending on public services 62%
The Chancellor should not announce a real terms increase in spending on public services 17%
Don’t know 21%
Q6. Considering public services that have been outsourced to the private sector, which of the following is is closest to your view?
The government should look to bring public services that have been outsourced to the private sector back into public sector ownership – 50%
The government should keep the amount of public services that have been outsourced to the private sector the same – 21%
The government should look to outsource more public services to the private sector – 12%
Don’t know – 17%
Q7. Thinking about your own finances and the 12 months ahead, to what extent do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about your personal finances?
Very optimistic 9%
Somewhat optimistic 28%
Neither optimistic nor pessimistic 35%
Somewhat pessimistic 20%
Very pessimistic 6%
Don’t know 2%
Optimistic (total) 37%
Pessimistic (total) 26%
Q8. A recession is defined as a period where the size of the economy (GDP) contracts for two consecutive quarters (6 months). Thinking about what you may have seen or heard, how likely do you think it is that the UK economy will experience a recession in the next two years?
Very likely 13%
Quite likely 34%
Neither likely nor unlikely 29%
Quite unlikely 15%
Very unlikely 2%
Don’t know 7%
Likely (total) 47%
Unlikely (total) 17%
Full tables are available here.
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