Latest polling on Brexit
Yesterday, Survation conducted an online poll of 1007 people aged 18+ in the UK on behalf of the Daily Mail to find out their opinions on the series of Brexit votes that took place in Parliament last week and their views on the future of Brexit.
State of the parties (Change since 18th Feb)
CON: 35% (-5)
LAB: 39% (+3)
LD: 10% (NC)
SNP: 3% (+1)
OTHER: 12% (+1)
EU referendum voting intention (Change since 18th Feb)
Leave: 47% (-1)
Remain: 53% (+1)
Summary of questions on Brexit
Which of the following options would you prefer?
The Government’s Brexit deal: 36%
Leaving the EU without a deal: 35%
Don’t know: 29%
Which of the following options would your prefer?
The Government’s Brexit deal: 34%
An extension of Article 50, delaying the UK’s exit by up to two years: 41%
Don’t know: 25%
Which of the following options would your prefer?
The Government’s Brexit deal: 30%
An alternative deal which keeps the UK in the customs union and single market: 45%
Don’t know: 25%
Which of the following options would your prefer?
The Government’s Brexit deal: 37%
A second referendum on whether the UK should leave or remain in the EU: 44%
Don’t know: 19%
This week parliament voted to request an article 50 extension and delay Brexit by at least three months if there is a deal agreed next week or up to two years if a deal is not agreed.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“Parliament was right to delay the UK’s exit from the European Union if a deal is not agreed.”
Net agree: 51%
Neither agree nor disagree: 13%
Net disagree: 30%
Don’t know: 6%
Parliament will vote on the Government’s Brexit deal again next week. How would you like MPs to vote?
For the Government’s Brexit deal: 36%
Against the Government’s Brexit deal: 39%
Don’t know: 25%
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
Theresa May should resign as Prime Minister: 50%
Theresa May should not resign as Prime Minister: 37%
Don’t know: 14%
If Theresa May was to resign, which of the following Conservative politicians do you think should become the next Prime Minister?
Boris Johnson: 16%
Sajid Javid: 9%
Jeremy Hunt: 8%
Michael Gove: 5%
Amber Rudd: 5%
Dominic Raab: 2%
Liz Truss: 1%
None of the above: 29%
Don’t know: 26%
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
The UK would have gotten a better Brexit deal from the EU if Boris Johnson had been Prime Minister: 30%
The UK would not have gotten a better Brexit deal from the EU if Boris Johnson had been Prime Minister: 48%
Don’t know: 23%
The Government’s Brexit deal was rejected by the House of Commons for the second time on Tuesday and on Wednesday MPs voted to avoid leaving the EU without a deal. Who do you think is most responsible for the current Brexit impasse in the House of Commons?
Brexit-supporting Conservative MPs: 28%
Remain-supporting Conservative MPs: 39%
Don’t know: 32%
This week four Cabinet Ministers voted to rule out leaving the EU without a deal at any time despite being told not to by Theresa May. Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
The four Cabinet Ministers should resign: 43%
The four Cabinet Ministers should not resign: 32%
Don’t know: 25%
Who do you trust most to deliver a good deal for the UK on Brexit?
Theresa May: 39%
Jeremy Corbyn: 23%
Don’t know: 38%
If Article 50 is revoked and the UK does not leave the EU, how likely or unlikely do you think it will be that there will be civil disorder, where authorities incur difficulties in maintaining public safety and order?
Likely: 48%
Neither likely nor unlikely: 21%
Unlikely: 25%
Don’t know: 7%
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, how likely or unlikely do you think it will be that there will be civil disorder, where authorities incur difficulties in maintaining public safety and order?
Likely: 35%
Neither likely nor unlikely: 21%
Unlikely: 37%
Don’t know: 7%
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
The Government’s Brexit deal would be more likely to pass through the House of Commons if Theresa May promised to resign afterwards: 20%
The Government’s Brexit deal would be less likely to pass through the House of Commons if Theresa May promised to resign afterwards: 11%
The Government’s Brexit deal would be neither more nor less likely to pass through the House of Commons if Theresa May promised to resign afterwards: 50%
Don’t know: 20%
Which of the following statements best reflects your view?
If Theresa May fails to get her deal through parliament next week there should be a general election to resolve the Brexit impasse: 43%
If Theresa May fails to get her deal through parliament next week there should not be a general election to resolve the Brexit impasse: 41%
Don’t know: 16%
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
The UK would be more likely to secure a better deal from the EU if Theresa May were to resign: 25%
The UK would be less likely to secure a better deal from the EU if Theresa May were to resign: 14%
The UK would be neither more nor less likely to secure a better deal from the EU if Theresa May were to resign: 46%
Don’t know: 15%
Survation conducted an online poll of 1,007 people aged 18+ living in the UK. Fieldwork was on the 15th March 2019.
Full data tables and methodology can be found here.
Survation is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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