Latest Scottish Referendum Polling – Survation for Daily Record, Dundee University and Better Nation
As part of our regular monthly Scottish omnibus for a range of clients, Survation on behalf of the Daily Record is publishing results today of new polling on the Independence Referendum and an additional question regarding Scottish voter attitudes to a potential Conservative government post 2015. The Daily Record’s editorial on these questions can be found here.
Comparison for these results versus our May Omnibus are as follows:
Independence Referendum
Yes – 38.8% (36.6%) + 2.2%
No – 44.4% (46.8%) – 2.4%
Undecided – 16.7% (16.6%) +0.1%
Yes – 39% (+2)
No – 44% (-2)
Undecided – 17% (NC)
Excluding undecided (unrounded):
Yes – 46.6% (43.8%) + 2.8%
No – 53.4% (56.2%) -2.8%
Excluding undecided (rounded)
Yes – 47% (44%) + 3%
No – 53% (56%) – 3%
Full tables for these questions can be found here.
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