Survation Launch New Consumer Insights Panel
Survation have launched a new dedicated consumer insights panel at: https://panel.survation.com/
Not only will our new panel give Survation greater flexibility to conduct more in-depth research, we will also be able to also pay respondents a fairer reward for their time sharing their opinions with us. Our mission is for the Survation panel to become the most respected platform for accurate and authentic public opinion research.
This will also be the first UK panel to our knowledge created since the introduction of GDPR which we’ve adhered to closely from the design stage on.
Panellists can choose what information they to consent to share, and the features we are rolling out on panellist’s personal dashboards include important functions such as how often a panellist prefers to be contacted, having the right to quickly be forgotten with a single click and removed from our database should they wish, along with many more ways to control data and privacy.
Joining the panel.
If you would like to take a look at what we’ve designed, and perhaps participate and have your own views represented in Survation’s research work, simply go to https://panel.survation.com/
When you register (takes 1 minute), to welcome you, we’ll credit your account with 50 points (50p) after confirming your email address and we’ll allocate 100 points for taking a very short welcome survey. Points convert to cash which can be withdrawn each time you reach the equivalent of £50 – there will be regular opportunities to take part in surveys, rewarding you roughly £0.50 per 5 minutes of your time.
You’ll also receive payment when providing any profiling details, so that we can send you surveys relevant to you and not ask repetitive questions you’ve already answered.
If you have any questions about the joining the new panel, please email us and we’ll get straight back to you.
The Survation Team.
To find out more about Survation’s services, and how you can conduct a telephone or online poll for your research needs, please visit our services page.
About Survation – Survation conduct telephone, online and in-person market research, as well as strategy & advisory research for well-known brands & organisations. Survation are members of the British Polling Council.
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Survation Ltd Registered in England & Wales Number 07143509
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