New Poll: Voters in battleground seats call on Cameron to exclude NHS from US trade deal
On behalf of The People’s NHS, Survation conducted a telephone poll of 10 marginal Conservative held, Labour 2015 target seats and 3 Conservative held Lib Dem target seats – 2,644 interviews in total across the group.
Seats included were: Amber Valley, North Warwickshire, Broxtowe, Lancaster & Fleetwood, Brighton Kemptown, Lincoln, Morecambe & Lunesdale, Sherwood, Thurrock, Cannock Chase, West Dorset, Camborne & Redruth and Truro & Falmouth.
- Polling shows a 9 point swing from the Conservatives to Labour across the 13 CON held seats
As well as voting intention for the selected seats, we are analysing policy areas that could be key for the 2015 general election.
In this poll we look specifically at public opinion in these battleground seats on the NHS and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – a potential electoral liability for these 13 Conservative MPs
If the NHS is included as part of this major trade agreement, US private healthcare companies would be guaranteed the right to bid alongside European companies which many people believe will lead to faster and irreversible privatisation of the service.
- 68% of voters in these key seats oppose the inclusion of the NHS as part of the EU/US trade deal
- 74% of those intending to vote Labour and 73% of those intending to vote UKIP think David Cameron should act to exclude the NHS from the deal.
- Should the UK not secure the NHS’s exclusion from the trade deal, 54% believe David Cameron should veto the agreement altogether, with just 17% opposed. 65% of Labour voters and 60% of UKIP voters want Cameron to exercise a veto should this need transpire
For further detail on the findings, click here. For further tables and methodology please click here.
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