New Polling Indicates Public Anxiety Over Brexit. Jeremy Corbyn Reaches Highest ever Best Prime Minister? Rating
Survation for Daily Record, July 3rd.
Fieldwork dates: 28th – 30th June 2017
Sample size: 1,017
Method: UK adults aged 18+ interviewed via telephone
Full Data Tables are available here:
Questions, in the order that they were put, and the responses are found below:
Best Prime Minister
Which of the following party leaders do you think would make the best Prime Minister?
Theresa May – 44%
Jeremy Corbyn – 38%
Don’t know – 19%
- This is the highest rating for “Best Prime Minister” we have ever recorded for Jeremy Corbyn.
- Labour’s leader has almost doubled his public rating on this measure since we begun this question series in early May, when Survation were recording a significant Conservative lead over Labour. Theresa May’s popularity has fallen 6 points since the General Election, using the same telephone methodology that correctly indicated a Conservative victory with no overall majority.
A Role For The Devolved Nations In Brexit Negotiations?
This polling was conducted for the leading Scottish daily newspaper – Daily Record. As such, we asked whether a “formal role” should be offered to the Scottish Government, alongside the governments of the UK’s other nations. The public prefered the option of the devolved nations having a formal role in Brexit talks by almost a 2:1 ratio.
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
The Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish governments should be offered formal roles alongside the UK government in Brexit negotiations – 61%
The Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish governments should not be offered formal roles alongside the UK government in Brexit negotiations – 32%
Don’t know – 7%
Anxiety Over Brexit
“Brexit Anxiety” has been a theme of recent polling on the topic and a lack of confidence in whether the government will secure a good deal for Britain is apparent:
3) Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
I am confident that the UK government will secure a good Brexit deal for the UK, once negotiations are complete – 38%
I am not confident that the UK government will secure a good Brexit deal for the UK, once negotiations are complete – 49%
Don’t know – 13%
The Conservative / DUP Arrangement
Finallly, the Conservative party’s confidence and supply arrangement with the DUP, is off to a poor start in terms of public opinion. Whether this is due to the public’s general dislike of coalition that was seen in the 2010 parliament or aspects more specific to the DUP were not covered in detail. It is worth noting that our pre-election polling (page 44) showed a dislike of non-majority parties in government.
4) Do you agree or disagree with the Conservative Party entering into a confidence and supply arrangement with the Democratic Unionist Party, whereby the DUP’s MPs will support the Conservative government on key votes in the House of Commons?
Agree 32%
Disagree 57%
Don’t know 11%
Full tables are available here.
Survation interviewed 1,017 UK adults aged 18+ via telephone on the 28th – 30th June 2017.
Survation is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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