New Survation London residents poll: voting intention for local and European elections and Boris Johnson
Headline figures
– Labour extend lead in voting intention for forthcoming elections: currently at 42% for local elections and 39% for European elections (up 17% since 2009)
– UKIP up to 20% in European parliament voting intention
– Labour and UKIP projected to each gain a seat in the European Parliament, with Conservatives and Greens each losing a seat.
– Nearly a third of Londoners think Boris Johnson should not try and get elected as an MP until his term as Mayor of London comes to an end in 2016, and more than half think he would not be capable of doing both jobs at the same time
– Cost of living is top issue of concern for Londoners
London Local Election Voting Intention
NB: All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number. Changes, indicated in parentheses, are from Survation’s February London resident’s poll, unless otherwise indicated
LAB 42% (+ 1%)
CON 26% (- 1%)
LD 14% (- 3%)
UKIP 11% (- 1%)
GREEN 4% (- 1%)
Other parties (including BNP, Respect, and independents) 3% (- 3%)
Figures including don’t know / refused:
LAB 35% (+ 3%)
CON 22% (+ 1%)
LD 12% (+ 3%)
UKIP 10% (NC)
Other parties 3% (- 1%)
Don’t know 14% (- 7%)
Refused 1% (NC)
European Parliament (London Region) Voting Intention
(Changes, indicated in parentheses, are from 2009 results)
LAB 39% (+ 17%)
CON 21% (- 7%)
LD 13% (- 1%)
UKIP 20% (+ 9%)
GREEN 7% (- 4%)
BNP 1% (- 4%)
Other parties 0% (- 11%)
Seat Projection:
LAB 3 (+ 1)
CON 2 (- 1)
LD 1 (NC)
UKIP 2 (+ 1)
GREEN 0 (-1)
Boris Johnson
Londoners do not want a Mayor who is also an MP. Only 28% of Londoners think that Boris Johnson should try to return to the House of Commons prior to his term as Mayor of London ending and over half (54%) say he would not be capable of doing both jobs at the same time. Interestingly, over half of those intending to vote Conservative in a general election (53%) say that he should not return until after his term as Mayor ends.
When, if ever, do you think Boris Johnson should try to return to the House of Commons as an MP?
Not until his term as Mayor of London ends in 2016: 32%
As soon as possible: 14%
At the next general election in 2015: 14%
Never: 20%
Don’t know: 20%
If Johnson were to become an MP again in 2015, would he be capable of doing both the job of an MP and Mayor of London at the same time?
Yes: 29%
No: 54%
Don’t know: 17%
London Issues
We also asked Londoners which was the most important issue facing London today. The three issues selected as most important for all Londoners were cost of living (31%), immigration (23%) and housing (20%). Among 18-34s, however, the top 3 issues were cost of living (39%), unemployment (21%) and immigration (14%).
Survation conducted an online poll of 1,001 adult residents of Greater London on 28th and 29th April 2014. Full tables are available here.
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