Allegations of phone hacking and NOTW readership. A News Corporation Survey In Conjuction with Channel 4
Survation/ Channel 4 News News Corp Survey (click through the image above to view the Channel 4 News Clip)
The following figures relate to data weighted by gender, age and UK region therefore there is very slight deviation to unweighted data presented . Full weighted and unweighted data tables and details are now available for download as per British Polling Council rules.
Data tables can now be viewed here;
Results were based on a survey of 645 members of Survation’s internet panel July 4th-July 6th. We continue to poll panel members on this topic, for further enquiries, data tables in PDF form or to commission similar work contact us at 020 7490 4094 or at enquiries@survation.com
Key Highlights;
To what extent could the allegations of phone hacking into active criminal cases effect readership of The News Of The World?
88% of all readers of The News Of The World we surveyed said they were aware of the new phone hacking allegations. 52% of all readers said that if the allegations proved accurate they would be less likely to buy the newspaper in future. 23% said they would not be less likely and 25% said they didn’t know.
Those surveyed that said they read the newspaper “sometimes” were notably less likely to read the paper in future if the allegations proved accurate than regular readers – details to follow.
What is the public’s belief of News International’s prior knowledge of the way these stories were allegedly gathered?
72% of those surveyed said they did NOT believe that executives at News International were unaware of the new hacking allegations until July 4th vs only 7% who believed News International’s Statement on the new allegations. 21% did not know.
Which members or former member of News International /News Corp do the public consider to be most responsible should the allegations be found accurate?
In terms of bearing responsibility for the alleged hacking (respondents could choose multiple options), those surveyed thought Rebekah Brooks had the most responsibility (66%) followed by Glen Mulcaire (56%) and Rupert Murdoch (45%) then Andy Coulson (42%). Significantly, only 19% of respondents thought that “the specific journalists involved bore responsibility but not the newspaper editor or owners”.
News Corp and the BSkyB Transaction?
Asking respondents the question “Some people say that invasion of individuals’ privacy by the News of the World makes News Corporation unfit to own all of British Sky Broadcasting, and that despite granting permission the government should now block News Corp’s attempt to buy the 61% of BSkyB it doesn’t already own. What is your view?” – 48% think that News Corporation is unfit to own all of British Sky Broadcasting. 34% felt that It is too early to judge as all the the facts have not been established. Interestingly, only 12% considered the privacy allegations not relevant to the transaction.
Advertisers – What approach do the public think advertisers in The News Of The World should take in the light of the allegations?
58% of those asked thought advertisers should suspend their adverting in The News Of The World now pending the facts being established. 25% thought advertisers should carry on until the full facts of the case were known. Importantly, only 8% believed companies have no moral obligation to where they advertised their products.
Do the public favour a public enquiry as is being debated in the House of Commons today (July 6th)?
62% want a full public enquiry
30% feel we should rely upon the current criminal investigation’s findings – the view of the Coalition
How do the public feel David Cameron has handled the controversies over hacking allegations?
Only 9% of those asked felt that David Cameron had handled the controversies over hacking “well” The balance were split between “adequately” – 34% and “badly” – 37% with 20% saying they didn’t know.
For further information please contact;
Damian Lyons Lowe
Survation Ltd
020 7490 4094
Survation are a member of The British Polling Council and abide by its rules
Survation Ltd Registered in England & Wales Number 07143509
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