Poll for Jewish Chronicle shows Likud Favoured in Israeli Elections Among UK Jewish Population
Ahead of the Israeli elections next week, Survation has conducted a poll of the Jewish community in the UK, on behalf of the Jewish Chronicle, to gauge their views on the topic. We asked Jewish residents in Britain how much they followed Israeli politics, finding the community split 50/50 between those who followed Israeli politics at least “quite a bit” and those who followed it “not very much/not at all”.
We then asked people who they would support were they to be given a vote in the election and which of the two lead candidates, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Labour leader Isaac Herzog, they would prefer to be Prime Minister after the election. Likud and Netanyahu enjoyed clear leads on both measures of support, with two thirds of respondents expressing a voting intention opting for Likud, though their lead was slightly less among those who followed Israeli politics closely compared to those who did not, suggesting that at least in part this was a case of better name-recognition for the incumbent.
Full data tables and methodology can be seen here.
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