MPs & Local Councillors
Survation’s Westminster and Local Council polling help to gain a better understand opinions of elected officials on a wide range of issues.
Our MP polling allows us to draw insights from the UK’s key decision makers on the headline issues of the day.
If you need to survey Local Councillors then including questions on our regular UK Councillors Omnibus polls provides a cost-effective approach.
We also provide bespoke polls of specific Council Portfolio holders and Council leaders on request.
UK Councillors Omnibus:
> 500 or 1000 Local Councillors – representative of the UK by region, political party, authority type*
> Fast turnaround – results in 2 weeks from start of fieldwork
> Free results charts and tables, plus full questionnaire design support
> Conducted bi-monthly or on demand (for larger surveys)
London Councillors Omnibus:
> 250 London Councillors – representative of London by geography and political party
> Fast turnaround – results in 2 weeks from start of fieldwork
> Free results charts and tables, plus full questionnaire design support
> Conducted bi-monthly or on demand (for larger surveys)
Surveys can be completed either online to use images and other materials for prompting or via telephone allowing you to engage elected officials in conversation or conduct more qualitative work.
Survation provides free questionnaire design support, and data tables, with additional analyses available on request.
Parallel surveys with other groups can also be run.
Contact John Gibb to discuss your requirements on 020 38189661 or email researchteam@survation.com
Examples of previous work
Case Study: 2018 JRF Conservative Council Leaders Poll:
As part of our specialised constituency work Survation conducted a telephone and online poll of 101 Conservative council leaders and 20 senior council housing portfolio holders on behalf of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Fieldwork ran from the 3rd to the 19th April 2018. The poll demonstrated overwhelming support for increased investment in low-cost rented homes, as well as reviews into the management and allocation of social housing.
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