
Significant Labour revival within the Jewish Community

In the run up to the 2019 general election, the Conservatives enjoyed a 58% lead over the Labour Party in Survation’s poll of the Jewish Community. This lead has since collapsed to just 9% in a new poll Survation conducted by telephone and online on behalf of the Jewish Chronicle between the 9th and 14th June, leveraging Survation’s Jewish Panel.

Headline Voting Intention:

Conservative: 42% (-22)

Labour: 33% (+27)

Liberal Democrats: 7% (-17)

Reform UK*: 11% (+8)

Other: 7% (+4)

Changes with poll of Jewish Community conducted in 2019.

*changes for Reform UK are compared to the Brexit Party in 2019


On current figures, the Conservatives would win 42% of the Jewish Vote, down 22% since 2019, while Labour would win 33%, up 27%. While the Conservatives still hold a lead among the community, the drop in support for the party is not too dissimilar from the decline they’ve experienced across all voters.


It’s a remarkable revival for Labour under Keir Starmer, considering support for the party slumped to an all time low of 6% in 2019 under Jeremy Corbyn, amid the allegations of anti-semitism within the party at the time.


This rise of Labour’s vote share within the community has come primarily at the expense of the Lib Dems, with 59% of their 2019 voters now intending to back Labour at the election, suggesting that many chose to back them in that election in place of Labour. So much so, voting intention for the Lib Dems has fallen 17% since 2019.

The result will surely make Sir Keir feel vindicated amid his efforts to root out antisemitism within the party, an effort which 54% of Jews feel he has been successful at executing. In addition to this, a similar 54% believe it is now safer to vote Labour, this includes 48% of current Conservative voters who believe the same.


In summary, the narrowing gap between Labour and the Conservatives within the Jewish community marks a significant turnaround for Labour under Keir Starmer. The shift suggests that efforts to address antisemitism are resonating with Jewish voters, and the changes within the party have made it a more viable option for the community.


Get the data

Survation conducted a telephone poll of 504 Jewish adults aged 18+ living in the UK on behalf of the Jewish Chronicle. Fieldwork was conducted between9th-14th June 2024. Tables are available here. 


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