Snap Post-Debate Poll – Survation for Daily Mirror
On behalf of the Daily Mirror, Survation polled 1,004 GB adults who watched the leadership debate on April 2nd on their opinions of the participants’ performances.
Sample size: 1,004 Fieldwork, Post Debate Conclusion -10.30pm
Weighted by age, gender, recalled past vote, region and SEG to be representative of all adults in Great Britain aged 18+.
Full Tables are HERE
Key Results
Who do you think “won” the debate?
1) David Cameron – 25%
2) Ed Miliband – 25%
3) Nigel Farage – 24%
Who performed the “best”?
1) Nigel Farage – 22%
2) Ed Miliband – 22%
3) David Cameron – 21%
Best on a given topic (Cameron vs. Miliband)
Economy: Cameron (40% – 26%)
NHS: Miliband (33% – 25%)
Immigration: Miliband (16% – 12%)
Future of the UK: Cameron (32% – 29%)
If you had to choose who “won” between just Ed Miliband and David Cameron who would you say “won” the debate?
David Cameron – 47%
Ed Miliband – 43%
Don’t know – 10%
The following charts show more detailed breakdowns of the above questions. For breakdowns by demographics, and to see the results of additional questions not covered here, please refer to the full tables (link at the bottom and top of the article).
Who do you think “won” the debate?
Which one of the 7 leaders do you think…?
…Performed the “best”
…Performed the “worst”
Which one of the 7 leaders do you think performed best on…
…the economy
If you had to choose who “won” between just Ed Miliband and David Cameron who would you say “won” the debate?
Survation is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. Full data tables are available here.
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