Survation on behalf of Good Morning Britain. General Election Tracker Poll Week 2
Survation conducted the second in a series of weekly telephone polls, with fieldwork 20th-23rd November 2019 on behalf of ITV’s Good Morning Britain.
- Sample size: 1010 / Fieldwork dates: 20th-23rd November 2019 / Methodology: People aged 18+ living in the UK were interviewed by telephone using a mix of mobile and landline numbers
- Voting prompt: To correctly judge the effect of parties that have stood down candidates, respondents were read out the names of the parties and candidates that are standing in their own constituency
Thinking about your own constituency and the candidates likely to stand, if the general election were tomorrow, which party would you vote for? (Change vs GMB Poll 1, 14th-16th Nov)
Base: Respondents likely to vote with undecided and refused removed
Conservative: 41% (-1)
Labour: 30% (+2)
Liberal Democrat: 15% (+1)
The Brexit Party: 5% (NC)
Green: 3% (NC)
Another party (inc Plaid Cymru and SNP): 7% (-2)
CON 41% (-1) LAB 30% (+2) LIB 15% (+1) BRX 5% (NC) GRN 3% (NC) SNP 3% (-1) PLAID 1% (-1) OTHER 4% (NC)
Full data tables can be viewed here.
British Polling Council Statement
All polls are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error. On the basis of the historical record of the polls at recent general elections, there is a 9 in 10 chance that the true value of a party’s support lies within 4 points of the estimates provided by this poll, and a 2 in 3 chance that they lie within 2 points.
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