West Yorkshire public supports moves towards a Manchester-style regulated bus service
A new poll of West Yorkshire for We Own it by Survation, shows strong public support in West Yorkshire for more public control of bus services in the region.
In an ongoing debate between the Mayor of West Yorkshire and private bus operators about fare costs, the West Yorkshire public believe by 66% to 24% that the current bus fare rises are unacceptable.
We Own It are campaigning for buses in West Yorkshire to be co-ordinated and regulated as they are in London, meaning public bodies rather than private bus operators would set timetables, fares and routes. In this poll, 64% of the public believe local authorities should have this co-ordinating role, against 9% who believe private bus operators should
By 77% to 6%, the public agree that as private services receive large amounts of public funding, that timetables, routes and fares should be set by public bodies in West Yorkshire.
The West Yorkshire public support by a large majority, 71% to 7%, a re-regulation of the bus network, similar to that in London and in parts of Manchester.
By 70% to 9% the West Yorkshire public believe that drivers should be employed directly by the public Combined Authority rather than the private bus operators to help buses turn up on time.
74% of the public in West Yorkshire would support the Mayor of West Yorkshire having the same powers that the Mayor of Manchester has taken to fine or ban private bus operators who do not meet their service obligations, with only 7% opposing this power.
Fieldwork dates 23 – 29 November 2023. The survey was conducted by online interview, of adults aged 18+ living in West Yorkshire. Sample size: 1018.
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